Adresse |
*Name |
*Vorname |
Firma |
Standort |
*Telefon |
*E-Mail |
Schulkenntnisse |
wie lange |
wann |
Kurse nach der Schulzeit |
wie lange |
wann |
Aufenthalte im englischsprachigen Raum |
wie lange |
wann |
Ich interessiere mich für |
Gruppentraining |
Einzeltraining |
Seminare |
Meine Wunschtage wären |
Montag |
Dienstag |
Mittwoch |
Donnerstag |
Freitag |
Samstag |
Meine Wunschzeiten wären |
Ich möchte |
1 x wöchentlich Training |
mehrmals wöchentlich Training |
Intensivtraining |
Bedarfserhebung |
Folgende allgemeine Lernziele sind mir wichtig: |
sich mündlich in der Fremdsprache ausdrücken können |
Erweiterung des Wortschatzes |
Sicherheit in der Grammatik |
korrekte Aussprache |
sich schriftlich in der Fremdsprache ausdrücken können |
Fachthemen und Vokabular im Bus. Bereich zu erweitern |
Abschluss mit einer offiziellen Prüfung |
Kommentar: |
Ich schätze mein Sprachvermögen wie folgt ein |
Anfänger mit Vorkenntnissen |
Gute Vorkenntnisse, wenig gesprochen |
Gutes Sprachvermögen, wenig gesprochen |
Gutes Sprachvermögen, gute Grammatik |
Wie ist Ihnen zumute, wenn andere Personen dabei sind, die wesentlich besser bzw. schlechter Englisch sprechen als Sie? |
Beschreiben Sie kurz Ihre Tätigkeitsfelder: |
Welche(s) Vokabular/ fachspezifische Themen sind für Ihren Job relevant? |
Für welche Tätigkeiten benötigen Sie Englisch? |
Korrespondenz |
Fachthemen |
Telefon |
Messen/Konferenzen |
Seminare |
Meetings |
Präsentationen |
Verhandlungen/Verkaufsgespräche |
Kunden-/Geschäftspartnerbetreuung |
Small Talk |
Kick-Off-Test |
Dies ist ein Test zur Überprüfung Ihrer vorhandenen Englisch-Kenntnisse. Nur eine Antwort ist richtig. Bitte klicken Sie in den Kreis vor der Antwort, die Ihnen richtig erscheint. Bitte benutzen Sie keine Hilfsmittel oder Wörterbücher beim Ausfüllen des Tests, da wir Sie sonst nicht richtig einschätzen können. Wenn Sie das Gefühl haben, nur noch zu raten, beenden Sie bitte den Test, da Sie sonst durch Zufallstreffer das Testergebnis verfälschen würden. Und nun: Viel Glück! |
Part 1: |
Please choose the right tense: |
Example: |
We ____ to the pub yesterday. |
1) |
Mrs. Harrison ____ to work every day. |
2) |
How ____ you feel today? |
3) |
Have you ever ____ him. |
4) |
She didn't ____ that letter, she dictated it. |
5) |
I ____ him before I went out. |
6) |
If the weather ____ fine we will go swimming. |
7) |
I ____ if I found the time. |
8) |
If they ____ the car it wouldn't have been stolen. |
Part 2: |
Please choose the right preposition: |
Example: |
I willhelp you ____ your work. |
9) |
I am looking ____ my keys.Have you seen them? |
10) |
The meeting will be held ____ Friday, 3 August. |
11) |
He is very good ____ physics. |
12) |
I don't understand. What are you talking ____? |
13) |
We will meet ____ the cinema, okay? Please be ____ time. |
14) |
They enjoy walking ____ the beach. |
15) |
She can't just take the money ____ she asks permission first. |
16) |
I'll wait here ____ she arrives. |
17) |
If something is transparent you can see right ____ it. |
Part 3: |
Vocabulary: Please choose the right word |
Example: |
He is a ____ businessman. |
18) |
My friend is a hard worker. He has never been ____. |
19) |
Can't you be polite? Don't be so ____. |
20) |
She is a good swimmer. She swims very ____. |
21) |
The lawyer has got a lot of ____ clients. |
22) |
If you want to buy a pen and paper go to the ____. |
23) |
Could I see your license, please? Sure. ____. |
24) |
____ goes to Cuba will find the climate beautiful. |
25) |
Those important documents are ____ confidential. |
26) |
We have ____ a lot of photographs during our holidays. |
Part 4: |
Miscellaneous (gemischt): |
27) |
We could ____ see the coast since there was so much fog. |
28) |
He ____ lifted the baby out of the cradle. |
29) |
____ you seen the latest film with Sean Connery? |
30) |
An error seems ____ in your last shipping invoice. |
31) |
She ____ some documents when her boss suddenly came in. |
32) |
She couldn't sign up for the seminar and ____. |
33) |
According to him, she is the ____ girl in the world. |
34) |
He was aware of the complexity of the matter and ____. |
Part 5: |
Gerund or Infinitive: (-ing form or (to +) verb) |
Example: |
I enjoy (go) on business trips. |
35) |
Did you remember (close) the gate? |
36) |
I didn't feel like (go) to the office. |
37) |
Would you rather (stay) at home or do you feel like (go) out? |
38) |
She made me (repeat) all the irregular verbs (make) sure that I understood everything. |
39) |
We got tired of (wait) for the sun (come) out. |
40) |
They used (cycle) a lot but they haven't had the chance (do) it very often since they moved to the city. |
41) |
It is no use (try) (interrupt) him. |
42) |
He kept (look) back, because he was afraid of (be) followed. |
43) |
She claimed (be able) (tell) the future by (gaze) into a crystal ball. |
44) |
A lot of people prefer (spend) money to (earn) it. |
Part 6: |
Written exercise for Kick-Off-Test |
Please choose one of the following questions and answer it as best you can: |
What is your favourite country and why? |
Do you prefer books or films? Please give reasons. |
Describe the personality of your best friend. |
Why is health more important than money? |
If you ruled the world what would you like to change and why? |
Describe your company's most popular product or service. |
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